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Nepali Based Window Cleaning Service Sydney. Are you sick of the windows cleaning companies sending unreliable ppl to do a shotty job or not feeling like you're not getting your money's worth...? Having to complain because they don't listen understand or their lack of care... Look no further.. My cleaning team would love to be your windows Cleaner We have all the skill sets and experience you're looking for. I'm confident that my team can make an immediate impact on your life.. We are Efficient, Honest, & friendly and take pride in being consistent every time we work to high standards every time. We are great with our Attention to detail & good Organisational and communication skills, who are very versatile. We provide all our own products, unless you use specific products, which we are happy to take on bored. if you are unhappy with any service we've done, were more than happy to come rectify it . I'm sure you won't be disappointed. So have a think about it & let me know what you would like done & when you would like us to start, we will go from there. look forward to hearing from you. Please feels free to contact us . 0420 313 648